Jennifer Poisson, RN
Burrillville Middle School Nurse
Phone: (401) 568-1320 ext. 6316
Fax: (401) 568-1317
Nurse's Page
Welcome to the Burrillville Middle School (BMS) Health Services page. This page will provide information for families and faculty of BMS. The information provided here does not replace medical evaluation and treatment. Please contact your health care provider for any medical advice.
Letter from the BSD Health Office
The following are general guidelines to facilitate communication between parents and school health professionals relating to health issues.
If your child has a temperature greater than 100 degrees, vomiting, diarrhea, or severe cold/cough symptoms, please keep your child home. They may return to school once they have been fever/vomiting/diarrhea free for 24 hours and symptoms have improved.
If your child has an injury, please send a note from the health care provider indicating any activity restrictions or use of assistive devices such as crutches. Please do not send your child to school with use of assistive devices unless directed by a healthcare provider. A physician’s note is needed in order to clear the student to participate in PE/recess/sports when recovered.
Please inform your school nurse: Of any new allergies, surgeries, accidents, new health problems or diagnoses that have occurred during the summer months. These may be indicated on a current physical or on a doctor's note.
If your child is hospitalized for an illness (psychiatric or medical), a confidential summary from the discharging health care professional would be appreciated. Recommendations for your child might be made by the discharging professional in the summary. These recommendations will help us determine the accommodations for his/her academic, emotional, and physical needs that may be required upon his/her return.
For a student to receive Over the Counter Medication, such as; Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen or Tums, the Over The Counter Medication Administration form must be provided to the health office every school year. Attached here: Over the Counter Medication Form
In order for a student to receive prescribed medication in school, a physician's order must accompany the said medication in its original container with the signature of physician and parent. All orders must be updated yearly. Please be advised that morning doses of any medication are the responsibility of the parent, per district medication policy. Medication Authorization forms are available on each school’s web page and may be obtained from the health office. Also attached here: BSD Medication Form
If your child needs emergency medication such as an epipen or an inhaler, a prescriber’s written order and parental authorization must be provided to the health office. BSD Allergy/Anaphylaxis Health Care Plan, Asthma care plan
Reminder if your child requires a health care plan for asthma, severe allergy, seizure and or any other medical needs, the plan must be completed and updated every school year.
Please contact your school nurse for any questions or medical forms needed.
Rhode Island Department of Health Requirements for 7th-12th Grade Students
Children entering 7th grade- A child who is entering 7th grade must have met the pre-kindergarten and kindergarten immunization requirements, plus:
1 dose of HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccine
1 dose of Meningococcal Conjugate (MCV4) vaccine
1 dose of Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis) vaccine
A second general health examination and health clearance will be required upon entry to the 7th grade. It maybe performed while in 6th grade but no later than 6 months after the student enters 7th grade.
Children entering 8th grade- A child who is entering 8th grade must have met the 7th grade immunization requirements, plus:
2 doses of HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccine
Children entering 9th grade - A child who is entering 9th grade must have met the 8th grade immunization requirements, plus:
3 doses of HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccine
*Note: Per current ACIP recommendations, 2 doses of HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccine (if series is started at age 14 or younger)
Children entering 12th grade- A child who is entering 12th grade must have met the 9th grade immunization requirements, plus:
1 dose of Meningococcal Conjugate (MCV4) vaccine - All students entering grade 12, who had their first dose at age fifteen years or younger, are required to have a booster dose given on or after 16 years of age.
A third general health examination and health clearance will be required upon entry to the 12th grade. This general health examination shall be performed after the student turns 16 years of age, and no later than 6 months after the student enters 12th grade
HPV vaccination
For fall 2017, 1 dose will be required for 7th graders, 2 doses will be required for 8th graders, and 3 doses will be required for 9th graders. *2 doses of HPV (if series is started at age 14 or younger)
Note: No student should be excluded from school if he/she is not vaccinated against HPV.
Rhode Island Department of Health Immunization Requirements for PK-12